Five Early Signs of Enlarged Prostate

signsenlargedprostate.jpgAs they age, men run the very common risk of having an enlarged prostate, also known as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia or BPH. While most men will experience some sort of prostate issue during his life, the good news is that an enlarged prostate does not always indicate a more serious condition such as cancer. However, an enlarged prostate does bring with it its own set of inconveniences and problems. If you are experiencing any of the following signs, changes are you may have an enlarged prostate and should seek treatment as soon as you can before matters become worse.

Nocturia: midnight bathroom runs.

It starts innocently enough, with a few midnight trips to the bathroom. But over time, the trips become more frequent, making long car rides or meetings at work difficult to bear without removing oneself to void.

Difficulty urinating.

When the prostate gland, which surrounds the urethra, enlarges, it can shut off the ability to urinate, making urination difficult and sometimes painful. Urinary hesitancy occurs when the stream starts slowly until it becomes consistent. At times, there is a sensation of wanting to urinate, but with moot results. Weak flow is also a symptom of an enlarged prostate.

Frequent urinary tract infections.

When the bladder doesn’t fully void, there runs a risk of developing chronic urinary tract infections. While more common in women, UTIs are do occur in men with enlarged prostate; that’s because bacteria can build up over time if it is not carried away through urination. Any sort of burning sensation, chills, or cloudy urine may be signs of a urinary tract infection and, thus, an enlarged prostate.

Blood in Urine

An enlarged prostate may also present as blood in the urine; this may mean that there are other complications involved, such as an infection or possibly cancer.


Treating BPH depends on the extent of one’s symptoms, the size of the prostate, the age of the patient and the amount of discomfort caused by the prostate’s enlargement. After confirming your condition with a series of tests, your urologist may choose a more conservative measure of treatment, such as medication; or surgical treatment if your symptoms are more advanced

Your Urologist in Milford

If you have any of the above symptoms of an enlarged prostate or are experiencing any other urological concerns, contact the Urology Specialists of Milford by calling (508) 473-6333, or request an appointment online. Don’t suffer in silence, an enlarged prostate is extremely common and fairly simple to treat, as long as you are willing to get checked. Trust your prostate health to the best – call us today.

Urology Specialists of Milford, LLC

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